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Healthy Food Choices

As we bustle about our busy lives, we don’t always have a choice in the factors that cause us stress; however, we do have the choice to reduce any negative contributions towards them. When our physical body is taxed, its ability to cope with external pressures is lessened, which can cause a heightened state of […]

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Our world is comprised of billions of people who come in all shapes and sizes, from the very short to the very tall, the pear-shaped, apple or hourglass body types. There are no two people whose bodies are exactly alike. Lifestyles preferences, personal habits, genetics or time limitations and financial resources can all play key […]

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Appropriate sugar intake for the human body is one of the most controversial topics in our society today. While no one disputes that too much sugar can have detrimental effects on the body, some do disagree on the specific limits and which types of sugar are most harmful. Many years of research have shown that […]

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November is Gluten-Free Diet Awareness Month—a great opportunity to address some misunderstandings surrounding this topic. The difference between Celiac Disease and Gluten Sensitivity still remains a great mystery to many. As the prevalence of these conditions increases there has become a greater awareness of them; however, since many individuals have adopted a gluten-free diet by […]

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The human body is pretty amazing. Nourish it well, and it can do great things. Athletes competing in the 2018 Winter Olympics work hard at training and at keeping their bodies properly fueled. Megan Chacosky, the U.S. Ski and Snowboard Association’s high-performance chef and registered dietician, reports that most Olympic athletes consume 3,000 to 4,000 […]

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