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4 Olympic Snacks That Deserve A Gold Medal

4 Olympic Snacks That Deserve A Gold Medal

February 20, 2018

The human body is pretty amazing. Nourish it well, and it can do great things. Athletes competing in the 2018 Winter Olympics work hard at training and at keeping their bodies properly fueled. Megan Chacosky, the U.S. Ski and Snowboard Association’s high-performance chef and registered dietician, reports that most Olympic athletes consume 3,000 to 4,000 calories a day while training. She serves meals loaded with protein, carbs and fresh veggies, plus nutritious, energizing Olympic snacks to keep her athletes fueled and functioning.

Competing in the Olympics requires strength, endurance, and discipline – and so can the workday. When deadlines loom and the workday stretches endlessly ahead, workers can be tempted to reach for snacks as a quick and easy way to boost energy. While junk food tastes great, it’s anything but that when it comes to wellness.

Studies have shown over and over that what a person eats influences their cognitive and physical performance. Healthy snacks can provide the energy boost needed to keep employees focused and driven through the midafternoon slump. To keep energy in check while speed skating through the workday, try these Team USA Olympic snack favorites.


When you’re competing against the most elite athletes in the world, an energizing breakfast is critical. Oatmeal provides athletes—and employees—with a powerful start to the day. Supplement with bananas and peanut butter for a hearty, healthy breakfast.

Note: A significant source of dietary fiber, B vitamins, iron, and magnesium, oatmeal tops the list of heart-healthy foods. (Learn more about American Heart Month).

Energy Bars

A healthy shot of energy is just what you need to keep your head in the game when the going gets tough. They’re a staple among Olympic athletes, especially pre-event. Favorite Olympic snacks include CLIF Bars, Honey Stingers, KIND and Power Bars.

Peanut Butter and Nuts

Protein snacks are key for post-training and post-event to help rebuild muscles. Peanut butter is a healthy, portable option for sustaining energy, and other nut butters are even higher in protein. Olympic snowboarder Lindsey Jacobellis says it can be challenging to access the right foods when you’re not in a familiar place, so “I carry protein powder with me to ensure I can get what my body needs to repair after a hard day on the hill.”

Trail mix

Olympian Clare Egan, who competes in the biathlon, makes her own trail mix with pumpkin, dates and dark chocolate. Fortunately, this portable, healthy snack is easily customizable and conveniently available in many healthy vending machines.

While they may not be performing Olympic feats, employees need fuel, too. Help them stay healthy, happy and productive with a HealthyYOU Vending machine, available at no cost, at your location. Get one here.

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