Spotlight on HealthyYOU Vending’s Snack Unit
Healthy snack options are one of the staples of success in your HealthyYOU Vending business. As vending machine consumers continue to choose healthy snacks over traditionally unhealthy vending machine snacks, more and more manufacturers — both natural food companies, like Annie’s Homegrown, and traditional companies, like Frito-Lay — are continually adding healthy snack choices to their product lines.
Our versatile snack unit is designed to hold up to 21 different snack options in a variety of sizes. For example, Pirate’s Booty Cheddar Puffs, Cliff Bars and Kind Bars are three of the best-selling snack options. The HealthyYOU Vending machine is designed so you don’t need to adjust weight or voltage for different sized products, and the snack tray tilts for easy loading. You can maximize sales by stocking your HealthyYOU Vending machines with the healthy snack options that sell best at your location.
How do I know which snacks sell best?
HealthyYOU Vending’s most popular snack categories include:
- Cereal and granola bars
- Chips and pretzels
- Cookies and crackers
- Fruits
- Nutritional bars
- Seeds, nuts and jerky
- Healthy candy bars and gum
Choosing the best products for your machines is all about experimenting to maximize income. We’ll start you off with a list of national best selling healthy snack products, and your HealthyYOU Vending coach will share great tips to get your business off to a solid start at your specific location. While national best sellers typically do well, you should experiment to see what works best for your business — you may just be surprised at the results of your product trials!
For example, one of the staples of healthy snacking is the Cliff Bar. In fact, currently the Crunchy Peanut Butter Cliff Bar is #1 selling healthy snack product in the nation, but at HealthyYOU Vending our employees prefer chocolate chip flavor so that’s what we have in our workplace machines. As you experiment with different healthy snacks in your HealthyYOU Vending machines, track their popularity and success with our RemotePlusTM Monitoring System.
Superior machine technology keeps YOU in business
When developing the HealthyYOU Vending machine, we focused on putting money into creating a machine that generates revenue. HealthyYOU Vending machines use a coil system, rather than an elevator or a conveyor belt system, so in the rare event that a motor goes out, you only lose one snack choice. With an elevator system, if one motor goes down, the entire vending machine is out of operation, and conveyor tracks cost up to six times more than a snack motor to replace. Our eco-friendly engineering incorporates a smaller, more efficient system, and our snack unit uses LED lighting to cut energy cost — just another of the many ways HealthyYOU Vending keeps your bottom line in mind!
Learn more about the HealthyYOU Vending snack unit.