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September is National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month

September is National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month

September 15, 2016

In 2010, the U.S. took an important step to end to the preventable epidemic of childhood obesity and observed National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month for the first time. Since then, childhood obesity rates have stopped rising, and we have seen an encouraging drop in obesity rates among children ages 2 to 5 years old. However, more than 30 percent of American children are still overweight or obese.

This month, we renew our focus on improving the health and well being of our America’s youth. The good news is that childhood obesity can be prevented. Communities, health professionals and families can work together to create opportunities for kids to eat healthier and get more active. HealthyYOU Vending honors National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month and is committed to doing its part to end childhood obesity by promoting healthy choices in school vending machines.

One in three children in the United States are overweight or obese. Childhood obesity puts kids at risk for health problems that were once seen only in adults, such as type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease. In addition to these serious health risks, obesity can lead to a variety of other negative consequences. Children who have obesity are more likely to have obesity as adults. This can lead to lifelong health problems. Additionally, children who have obesity often face more bullying and stigma.

Childhood obesity is influenced by many factors. For some children and families factors include too much time spent in sedentary activities such as television viewing; a lack of bedtime routine leading to too little sleep; a lack of community places to get adequate physical activity; easy access to inexpensive, high calorie snacks and beverages; and/or a lack of access to affordable, healthier foods.

As we observe National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month, let us renew our commitment to giving America’s children a healthy start in life. Working together, states, communities, schools, child care providers, and parents can help make healthier food, beverages, and physical activity the easy choice for children and adolescents to help prevent childhood obesity. HealthyYOU Vending is aiding in this health revolution by providing satisfying, yet healthier snacks and beverages in healthy vending machines placed in schools, community centers and recreation facilities that are often frequented by children.

For more information about having a HealthyYOU Vending machine placed at your school, visit

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