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New Year, New Business

New Year, New Business

January 10, 2017

Starting a New Business in Conjunction With the New Year May Aid in Success and Motivation

When a new year begins, we’re often filled with enthusiasm of a fresh start. It’s the perfect time to start a new business and revamp our habits while taking action on the most important steps of launching a business.

With a fresh start come fresh ideas, and the energy required to bring a new business into the world. Whether it has something to do with flipping the calendar to a whole new page or mistakenly writing 2016 instead of 2017 for weeks into the new year, January historically inspires people to do things differently.

Every January, HealthyYOU Vending sees excitement from new operators about starting their healthy vending business. The bright promise of a new year can give you enough fuel in January to make a commitment to your business goals for 2017.

One entrepreneur who has grown his dreams of a fresh start into a successful healthy vending business is Andre Barrett, who began his HealthyYOU Vending business in January 2014. As a lifelong fitness and nutrition enthusiast, he loves being in business for himself in an industry he’s passionate about. “We’re breaking the junk food tradition,” says Andre, “and I’m part of the transition.”

HealthyYOU Vending Provides A Supported Way for Entrepreneurs to Become Successful New Business Owners

New entrepreneurs need all the support they can get when they start a new business. HealthyYOU Vending provides the most complete, on-going training in the Healthy Vending industry with HealthyYOU University, a two-day intensive seminar, plus lifetime coaching and an online support center.

In the United States alone, over $79,000 is put into vending machines every minute – which equates to $115 million each day. HealthyYOU Vending provides an ideal way for entrepreneurs to become involved in the healthy vending industry and start their own business in 2017.

For more information about HealthyYOU Vending, its entrepreneurial philosophy and the HealthyYOU Difference, go to

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