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Healthy Eating and Breast Cancer

Healthy Eating and Breast Cancer

Giving your body the proper nutrients is important for everyone, and extra important when you’re battling a health condition. During National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, we’re sharing healthy eating tips from to help your body stay strong during and after breast cancer treatment.

Healthy Eating During Breast Cancer Treatment

Eating healthy during treatment isn’t always easy, but it’s necessary. Listen to your body. You may continue to have a normal appetite or there may be days when food just isn’t appealing. A healthy diet containing a variety of fruits, vegetables, and healthy proteins can help you maintain your strength as you go through surgery, chemo, radiation, or other breast cancer treatment. reports evidence that some cancer treatments may be more effective in patients who are eating enough calories and protein. Learn more about healthy eating during treatment.

Healthy Eating After Breast Cancer Treatment

As you begin to live your life beyond breast cancer, it’s important again to listen to your body and discover a new way to think about food. Your taste buds may have changed, and you may feel weakened. Eating healthy, coupled with physical activity, is important to recovering your strength and quality of life. Registered dietician Diana Dyer says that a healthy diet is a means of helping the body minimize risk of cancer recurrence. Post-treatment is an opportunity to take a mindful approach to eating, by asking yourself how a food can nourish you and promote healing. Find detailed nutrition resources.

Nutrition and Breast Cancer

According to, diet alone is unlikely to be a cause (or a cure) for cancer, but may be partly responsible for 30- to 40-percent of all cancers. “Although more research needs to be done on diet and cancer, findings suggest that physical activity, a healthy diet (particularly one low in fat and high in vegetables and fiber), and a healthy weight can help reduce the risk of breast cancer or the cancer coming back.”

While no food or way of eating can prevent breast cancer, some foods may increase health, boost the immune system, help minimize risk, and strengthen the body during and after treatment. Learn more about reducing the risk of breast cancer on

This article is not intended as medical advice. Please consult your doctor or professional healthcare provider for all questions and treatment about any medical matter.