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Be a Bull in a Bear Market With Healthy YOU Vending

Be a Bull in a Bear Market With Healthy YOU Vending

April 9, 2020

The novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic is sweeping the globe. And efforts to slow the spread of the virus have left a wake of shuttered retailers, closed restaurants, widespread unemployment and an unsettled stock market. Not since the “Great Recession” has America witnessed such a volatile market.

While Wall Street looks for solid ground from this most recent economic crisis, many are wondering how they can take control of their financial future.

Be a Bull in this Bear Market with your own healthy vending machine business. There has never been a better time for this perfect business opportunity. Here’s why:

Market Volatility

Regardless of the fluctuations on Wall Street, people need to eat. With people being asked to stay inside, employees are turning to vending machines to meet their nutritional needs. This, coupled with an increasingly health-conscious public, means demand for healthy and convenient food is growing more than ever. Instead of anxiously watching their hard-earned money take a rollercoaster ride in the market, our operators are taking control of their future. As most investments shrink, some of our operators are reporting unprecedented sales, and others are even expanding their businesses with new machines to meet the growing demand.

Accessibility to Healthy Food

Dining-in at restaurants is non-existent, grocery stores are overrun and individuals are being asked to stay in. Healthy vending makes delicious and affordable snack, drink and entrée options accessible to these essential, hungry, time-constrained employees during these uncertain times, without leaving the workplace. Even before this pandemic struck, demand for healthy and convenient food skyrocketed. According to one report, 70% of Millennials surveyed said they prefer snacking throughout the day, as opposed to eating larger meals. And 80% of consumers reported that they regularly look for healthy, balanced bites.

Greater Trust in Packaged Food

Many of our operators have reported record sales during the coronavirus pandemic. And our operators with the optional SmartMart Side Vendor, which allows for entrées and other non-food product vends, are reporting even greater sales. In some cases, these vending machines are being emptied within just a few days. This is due, in part, to consumers trusting packaged foods more than their prepared counterparts during this public health crisis. There’s even a growing angst about the safety of delivered food. And delivery drivers are voicing their concerns about their role in potentially spreading the virus.

More Than Healthy Food

From selling headphones at gyms to toiletries in hotels, some of our operators have already realized the revenue-enhancing capabilities that come with our optional SmartMart Side Vendor. But that’s true now more than ever before during this public health crisis. The auxiliary unit converts seamlessly into a “wellness center,” providing convenient access to CBD oil products, travel-sized hand sanitizer, pre-packaged wipes, protective masks and more.

Continued Success

When the much-anticipated end to the coronavirus pandemic comes—and it will—healthy vending machine owners will remain in the perfect position for business success. A growing need for convenient, wholesome and fulfilling food in today’s fast-paced world has positioned the healthy vending industry for unparalleled success. And no company has helped more individuals operate successful, healthy vending businesses than Healthy YOU Vending. Contact us today to learn about the unique business opportunity we provide and to get started in this burgeoning industry.

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