Spring into Success with HealthyYOU Vending
Being a successful entrepreneur takes more than just a dream — it also takes hard work and perseverance to bring your vision to fruition. We’re sharing some of our favorite tips from HealthyYOU Vending coaches and operators who’ve learned from the ground up just what it takes to be successful!
Create the opportunity you want
…and every hurdle will be worth the jump. When Andre Barrett was between jobs, he knew it was time to start his own business. Also a personal trainer, Andre was drawn to the idea of recurrent revenue backed by good nutrition — and healthy vending was the perfect fit.
Follow your passion
Do you live to work, or work to live? Finding your niche and following your passion are important factors to being both happy and successful. Alli Gardner has built her career around health and wellness, so adding HealthyYOU Vending to her Core of Health business was a no-brainer. Plus, she gets to make a difference in her community, and set a great example for her kids.
Don’t reinvent the wheel
If you find a business model that’s already working—and speaks to you—use it. Then, use your energy to figure out how to make it a success. Spending the money to buy something that already exists is a better use of your efforts than trying to recreate it. Life is too short to be the biggest consumer of our own time.
Leverage your expertise
Even if you’ve never owned a business before, you know more than you think you do. And if you have been a business owner, adapt that knowledge to your latest venture. SnackyMatz manager Pete Ambrosino, for example, leveraged his background in sales and marketing to successfully place 17 HealthyYOU Vending machines on his own. Alli used her healthcare knowledge to recognize that clinics and hospitals would be the ideal locations for her healthy vending machines.
Know your customer
Successful entrepreneurs know exactly what their customers want—because they’ve done the legwork. You can guess all you want, and you might even get lucky, but when you understand your customers’ likes and dislikes you have an even better chance at success. Pete has found it helpful to set up tasting sessions when he procures new locations, and Andre has been known to chat up customers to find out what they like and why.
Build a great support team
You can’t go wrong when you’re surrounded by good people. Andre attributes his success to hard work backed by the mentorship of HealthyYOU Vending’s Lifetime Coaches. He values the perspective he gains from each coaching session, and believes in HealthyYOU Vending’s excellent customer service, the friendly employees and the trust he feels.
Keep your vision clear
This is key for Andre’s healthy vending success. “I set my goals to set the foundation for my future,” he says, “If I’m doing this, I’m going all in.”
When it comes to starting a new business, there will be challenges along the way. “When you see something moving in the right direction it appears easy but it still takes work,” Alli notes. Despite feeling overwhelmed by the logistics of her new healthy vending business, Alli forged ahead to bring her healthy vending dreams to fruition. In just over a year, Core of Health Vending has had the kind of success many hopeful healthy vending business operators dream about.
Keep your sense of humor
Just like in every day life, things will go awry in your business ventures, too. Laugh more, and stress less—and keep your eye on the prize.