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Empower Kids During Childhood Obesity Awareness Month

Empower Kids During Childhood Obesity Awareness Month

September 11, 2018

Childhood obesity is a real and rising threat against children’s health in the U.S., affecting more than a third of American children. Each September, Childhood Obesity Awareness Month provides an important reminder to learn more about this serious health epidemic and discover what we can do to help.

Since Childhood Obesity Awareness Month was implemented in 2010, childhood obesity rates have stopped rising but continue to hold at the current rate. Obesity puts kids at risk for health problems such as type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease. Overweight children are also at risk for a lifetime of struggling to reach or maintain a healthy weight.

What causes childhood obesity?

Certain unchangeable factors, such as genetics and metabolism, can contribute to a child’s weight. Other contributors to childhood obesity include lack of physical activity, not getting enough sleep, lifestyle and lack of access to affordable, healthier food options.

The good news? Childhood obesity can be prevented. suggests implementing strategies for curbing the childhood obesity epidemic even further:

  • Encourage families to make small dietary changes, such as eating more fresh fruits and vegetables
  • Engage in more physical activities together as a family, such as taking an evening walk
  • Help schools provide easy access to healthier snack and meal options to students
  • Ask medical professionals to spread the word in local schools and communities to empower kids with knowledge for making healthier choices

Amid growing concerns over childhood obesity, access to healthy foods at school is at the forefront of awareness. With the passage of The Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 and the implementation of the USDA’s Smart Snacks in School nutrition standards in 2014, great strides have been made in making better choices available to students.

HealthyYOU Vending is committed to providing affordable, healthier snacks

and beverages in healthy vending machines placed in schools across the U.S. Replacing unhealthy foods sold in school vending machines with healthier snacks and drinks provides a solution to help children stay fueled and ready for learning throughout the day. Teaching kids about better nutrition and partnering with like-minded companies, such as HealthyYOU Vending, can help empower kids to make healthier choices.

Perhaps the most productive and promising change we can make as a concerned society is to renew our commitment to giving children a healthy start in life. September’s reminder of Childhood Obesity Awareness is the ideal time to join together to improve the health and well-being of children across America.

For more tips on addressing childhood obesity, click here. Get information about having a HealthyYOU Vending machine placed at your school by visiting

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