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7 Easy Ways to Stay Healthy During the Holidays

7 Easy Ways to Stay Healthy During the Holidays

December 21, 2017

With the holiday season in full swing, we’re all indulging a bit more than usual. While it’s nearly impossible to completely resist temptation when faced with our favorite holiday treats, we can make healthy choices the majority of the time that help us stay in control. From weekend fetes to office parties, check out these tips to stay healthy during the holidays.

Start your day right

Breakfast is still the most important meal of the day, so make it a good one. Starting the day with a healthy breakfast will help you resist temptation in the break room at work. If you don’t have time to eat before you leave the house, grab an oatmeal or granola from the healthy vending machine at work. Add dried or fresh fruit and nuts to make it even more hearty, filling and nutritious.

Portion control

When faced with a bounty of holiday treats or a dining out with coworkers, select reasonably sized portions. And when it comes to leftovers, remember that you CAN take it with you. Ask the restaurant for a to go box and reduce the temptation to overeat the full meal. (Bonus: less cooking for dinner!)

Speaking of dinner…

Keep evening plans in mind

Invited to a holiday party straight from work? Eat healthier during the day so you don’t show up ravenous. A healthy snack, such as dried fruits, trail mix or nuts, from the office healthy vending machine can help you feel satiated before heading out for the evening – and that can help resist the temptation to overindulge.

Be a party animal

Not so much with excessive food and other indulgences, but by hitting the dance floor at holiday parties. Dancing is a great way to burn extra calories, and also releases feel-good endorphins that just might make you want to skip the holiday treats.

Everything in moderation

It’s okay to indulge occasionally throughout the year, and while the holidays make it a bit harder to resist temptation, the key is moderation. Make healthier snack choices throughout the day so you can accommodate for the extra calories from decadent treats.

Walk it off

Skip the carb-laden, nap-inducing heavy lunch with your coworkers and suggest a lunchtime stroll instead. Sure it’s tempting to stay indoors when the weather is cold, but a brisk walk is the perfect way to avoid both a midafternoon slump and packing on extra pounds.

Be realistic

It’s the holiday season, after all. It’s okay to enjoy your favorite treats as long as you make reasonable, healthy snack choices throughout the day to help curb cravings and keep overeating at bay. ‘Tis the season to have fun, so enjoy these tips for making the best choices and stay healthy during the holidays.

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